Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg Ditches iPhone for Android

If his recent Facebook activity has to be believed, than Facebook’s founder and CEO might have just ditched his iPhone for Android. It was only last month when Mark made the headlines for switching to iPhone (it was 3GS, not iPhone 4) from BlackBerry. But the experience wasn’t all that great as he posted about his frustrations with the device, citing poor battery life, and phone calling quality. He also said that he will get the new iPhone 4 and see if that solves all his problems before switching to Android.

Facebook Zuckerberg on iPhoneMark Zuckerberg Profile on Facebook, June 2010

And now according to his recent Facebook activity, it looks like he has finally gone for an Android phone.

Mark ZuckerbergMark Zuckerberg Profile on Facebook, July 2010

But given the amount of revenues that he generates from the most popular social networking site, I wouldn’t be surprised if he keeps both the iPhone 4 and an Android phone to fulfill all his needs.

Oh and now that Zuckerberg is using an Android phone, we may finally see an update forFacebook for Android app which badly needs to get updated to come on-par with the iPhone version.

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