Is Geohot Making a Comeback with New “Ra1n” Tool to Jailbreak iPhone 4?

We all know why Geohot left the whole jailbreak scene. He has already deleted his Twitter account, and his blog is set to invite-only viewing only. However before deleting his Twitter account, Geohot said to follow his friend Mike Cohen for all the future updates on jailbreak. He also said that “perhaps one of these days i’ll do a more formal goodbye”. And now it looks like he is probably going to make a comeback (perhaps for the last time?) with a new tool to jailbreak all iOS devices once and for all. This is what his friend mikecohenn wrote today:

Is Geohot back

What’s a good time to make it ra1n?

Of course we are all speculating here, but we cannot rule out this possibility. As MacStories notes, it may be possible that Geohot closed his blog and Twitter account to make a comeback under a new name. Lets wait and see how this story develops. Will the new “ra1n” be released before comex’s Spirit-like upcoming userland jailbreak for all iOS devices? We don’t know for sure. Only time will tell how much of this is going to come true. Let us know what you think about this in the comments section below.

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